Learning a ton

It has been 7 months since Michelle and I surrendered to the Lord's invitation to Hawaii. Wow, time has flown and we see more and more how God is stretching us. Right now it feels like the quiet before the storm. I feel twice as busy, with tons of things to do. However, it still feels like we are not into the big things yet. Before I know it, I will be packing this house up (when it sells), taking my children to Memphis for the last time in a long time and putting my family on a plane to begin our lives in Hawaii. Although the time is flying, there have been times where I have been tempted to be discouraged. There is so much uncertainty around us and it seems that our move is still far off. This can be discouraging, especially since my role at the church is lessen incredibly since Judgement House is over. It is tempting to get in a lull and mope about waiting on the Lord to move in mighty ways to sell our house, raise our funding and get us debt free. But I also see that this is a time of great growth. There is much to learn and glean from the leaders around me before I step out on this endeavor. The training I am receiving is priceless and is needed to lead. I also see how much I am growing while waiting on God to do the big stuff. He is doing so many little things in my heart right now. I might not be the warrior I want to be, but I am more the child of the King every day. Thank you for your prayer and I pray that your intimacy with Christ is growing. Here are some praises and prayers.

Liberty Baptist Network has approved us, however we do not receive funding until we begin to meet on the weekends with atleast a group of 30 people and have $30,000 of funding in place.

Our house is still on the market and we need wisdom to know what to do if it does not sell.

I will be heading to Hawaii to speak at a men's conference and prep our move. Dec. 2-12 I will be gone from my family. Pray for them and myself that I will see where God is at work.

Allie Kappes needs your prayers contiuously. She is being stretched by our Lord.

We sent out almost 200 letters in the past week with the plans to send out another 200 this week. Pray for receptive hearts and for God to invite others to join our journey.

Getting closer to my Lord,
Shawn Peoples


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