Oct. 31st Rocked!

So today during election day I thought it would be appropriate to reflect back on last week. Many of you know that we held an outreach last week in Kapolei. We were invited to use the front yard of one of our team members in a Hawaiian Homestead (a place where it is only lawful for Hawaiians to own the land and build their houses). I only expected to see maybe 100-150 people and bought supplies accordingly. If you know me, I always buy extra for the next event because it saves money to buy more than less. Well I am glad I did, we met over 500 people that night. We gave all of our Shave Ice out (400 things of it), almost all of our popcorn (300+) and all the hot dogs we purchased (200, yeah I blew that one). I had the honor of sharing the Gospel to hundreds of people at once. We had over 100 people register for prizes and had 50 families indicate that they wanted some sort of contact from us. We will be following up on this for months.

This Sunday our core team will begin to worship together as a church. The next three months are very important since we will be forming the DNA of our church off of our vision. We are hoping more people join us as we prepare for a Spring or Summer launch. we have commitments from 5 families and might have 3 other families join us for these worship times.

Tomorrow, Nick + Suzy + Elsy will be flying to Hawaii and our pastoral team will finally be together. Pray for their travel and for Nick and Jason (our worship pastor) to find jobs and homes. Our house will be a little packed until they all find places to live.

This journey has been incredible. Enjoy the pictures of that last event and pray for us as we move forward!


  1. Awesome. Praying for your family and our extended family as it continues.to fill His kingdom


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