God loves to show off

   I know the title sounds a little arrogant, but really God loves to show Himself to His creation. We have found that to be true in these last few days. Since saying yes and beginning to walk with God on this journey, we believe God has already raised $5000 of monthly support. I am blown away at the works of God. I have just begun to get my paper work in for funding from the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and the Lord has raised up support through a few churches and friends. I love when God invites His people to join His work. That's exactly what Grace Community is, His Work.

   I have also been challenged by a book (Exponential by Dave and Jon Ferguson) I have been reading to dream big because you cannot out dream God. So I have been in prayer about what God might do with us. Have you braced yourself, here is the ultimate dream. 36,000 believers meeting in 36 different locations in Hawaii. Every location fully supporting 2 church plants and 2 foreign missionaries. That's over 2400 small groups with 4800 leaders and apprentices, supporting 72 church plants and 72 missionaries. This is what I have asked of the Lord to do with us. I know it is huge, but in God's eyes, it is just a small part of the Kingdom. God will have to bring a ton of people to this work and lead us while we lead them. To begin with, I am asking God to bring us ten leaders that I might pour Christ into so that they may begin to lead 10 others individually. These leaders will lead small groups and care for the souls of their groups. They will also, train ten leaders while they lead. We want God to multiply His work in us. Also praying that my dream has been birthed out of God's dream.

   I am also praying for a raise in support. A friend that is praying about joining us would be a great asset as a leader. I am asking God to allow us to pay him and take care of most of His expenses. This would take about $3000 more in support. Cannot wait to see how the Lord answers this one.

   This has been the most incredible time in my walk with Jesus. I have seen our Lord give us joy in all things that we are currently doing and will do. My children are greatly expecting our move with joy and our family is walking with us. Please continue to pray for us. I am in the process of connecting to a few other churches and networks. I also am beginning to partner with people in Hawaii for this work. Please also pray for our support both in prayer and finances. The initial thought was $8100 a month. Since that time, we have done some investigating on expenses and it looks like it will cost us about $8900 a month to begin this church (not including the added support I am praying for). I am not a bit concerned about the raised amount, just letting you know how to pray. Thanks for walking with us through this incredible journey.



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