God's grace to me has been my wife!

My wife is currently asleep next to me as Mother's Day has come and gone. The woman in this picture is incredible. She is the mom to five of our kids, an adopted mother to many of the students we have lead, and the type of woman that I pray my daughters turn out to be. She is God's grace to me.

Years ago, when she and I were dating, we came to a push point in our relationship. Unfortunately for her, I was a self-conscious, jealous, fearful, controlling, and immature man; probably more like a little boy who had to have everyone serve them. My jealousy in our dating days has pushed our relationship to the brink of ending. As we sat in the car and cried, she made a decision not to end it, allowing me to continue being her man. Every day, I am thankful she continued on and pushed through my foolishness. I know I don't deserve her, and yet here I am, married to her for almost 20 years. 21 years ago, I almost forfeited one of the greatest gifts from God, but today I am reminded that God's grace overcomes my foolishness. This woman is God's incredible grace to me.

Everyday I am married to this woman is a day that God reminds me how much favor He is pouring over me. I don't deserve Michelle and am grateful for the journey we have had together. She is a blessing over and above anything I could ever want, because she has been God's gift to me. I pray, as we celebrate 20 years of marriage in a few weeks, that I will continue to be humbled by God's love and favor through Michelle. This woman, in my belief, is one of the best moms out there, and the only one I want to be with for the rest of my days, until my Daddy brings me home! Happy Mother's Day Michelle!


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