Homeless, jobless but not Christ-less!

Well, we are back in Ohio. Oh how I have loved this place, I mean love this place. It has been very apparent that my life has changed these past two years and others have too. We went back to Urbancrest to see so many kids that have now become adults, adults that ... well have become older adults. We saw new people everywhere and miss some of our friends that have moved on. We were blessed by our advocacy team and Urbancrest with a welcome back lunch. It was a blessing to see so many familiar and some not so familiar faces. We feel truly blessed to have a church family that takes care of us.

As Michelle and I drive around: looking for furniture, checking out things we use to do and taking in the landscape; we have been able to talk through some of our struggles and challenges. I am so glad that we were not coming back thinking everything would be glorious and roses. It has been good, but we also have some challenges now and ahead. As many of you know, we are still without our home. Our renters should be moving out within the next week or so and our stuff should be showing up before they leave. I don't have a job yet, but have had many offers for part time work while I wait and see what God has. People have blessed us, but there is an underlying side to moving back from the Mission field that I did not expect but am experiencing.

For the first time in 17 years I am not leading a small group, preaching, teaching the Bible or leading a ministry. I feel a little lost right now in this area which is to be expected when you move back and have not acclimated to Ohio or Urbancrest. However, I am realizing how much my family and I have changed and how many things are different than when we were here last. We have been so use to spending all of our free time with our church group and talking about what God is teaching us. I had immersed myself in one on one discipleship and preaching. I told Michelle how much I missed prepping for sermons because I gained so much when diving into the Word. Many times I felt I learned more than I preached. It is an adjustment, but I am not discouraged. As I have been spending time with my Daddy in heaven, I have heard His gentle voice speak peace and rest to me. I have heard Him tell me He has all of this and I am not to worry but stay with Him through this. It is both scary and exciting walking this way. Yes, we still have some money left, but within two months or so, that money will be gone and if God does not provide a job, He will provide some other way.

I am watching God preach "I will never leave you nor forsake you!" into my life. As His kid, He has me in His will and I am loving His gentle love speak to me. I don't have any idea if He will lead me to lead another church or if I will be in secular work, but I do know I will always have Christ. How I long to teach others to trust Him and live in intimacy with Him. I am thankful for the last two years of breaking and teaching I have experienced Christ do in my life. Praying I may lead from the pulpit again soon, but more over that I will abide in my God and my love!

I might be homeless and jobless but I will never be Christ-less! Praise our Great God, Jesus Christ!


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