Sealed for Jesus, once and for all!

Last week, I began studying Ephesians for my quiet time. I began just to blow through it and read all of the chapter then go back and do partial chapter studies but soon found myself just wanting to go verse by verse. I thought I would share part of what the Spirit showed me while studying the Aorist Tense verbs in Ephesians 1:3-14.

I know many people struggle with the thought once and for all saved. Last year I learned that an Aorist Tense verb in the Greek meant that that action was once and for all completed and done. Compare this to Colossians 1:12-14 when Paul writes that the Colossians are once and for all: Qualified, Transferred, Rescued, Given Redemption and Given the Forgiveness of sins. All 5 of these words indicate that as a believer in Christ Jesus, I cannot lose these actions given to me at the moment of my salvation. All 5 show us that these action are bestowed on us through the Grace of Christ and we cannot loose these.

Today I saw the same theme in salvation. It all has been given to Christ to those that are His. Verse 4 says that He CHOOSE us, that salvation was His decision. In Verse 5, He PREDESTINED us or decided beforehand. Verse 6 says that He BESTOWED or gave us great favor. It is the same verb used in Luke 1 when the angel said to Mary "Oh highly FAVORED one". It wasn't that Mary was something special but that God was handing out grace to Mary. In verse 8, I see God LAVISHING on us His great favor.  In verse 9, God through Jesus MADE KNOWN or declared His will through Jesus Christ and that God had PURPOSED or determined that His will would be known through Jesus. In verse 10, God SUMMED UP all fullness is found in Christ. In verse 11, I find that WE HAVE OBTAINED AN INHERITANCE, that we have been given a share of eternity and all that comes with it. Also verse 11 says that we HAVE BEEN PREDESTINED or marked out before hand to obtain the inheritance according to His will. Verse 13, I AFTER LISTENING or having heard, HAVING ALSO BELIEVED (put my faith in or trust in Christ), I WAS SEALED in Christ Jesus by being given the Holy Spirit.

Let's not trip over the words of predestination or choosing during this writing. I know that many of you have different thoughts about whether Christ created some for destruction and some for salvation but those are not the main lessons I pulled fro this passage. Let's also not be afraid to examine these words for they give us great incite to God's will.

Saying that, I see more affirmation to the thought that once we receive Christ's gift of Salvation that we will never lose it. These are all indications of Christ's work in the believer and not our work in Christ. These are all promises given to those who are Christ's. The key in this is JESUS! This is not a license to live contrary to God's Word and Will but is the showing of Christ's favor or bestowed Grace on us who cannot save ourselves or keep the law without Jesus. Are there people that say they are Christians but live contrary to God's Word? Yes, I am one of those who struggle with sin, however it is Christ in me that lives His life through me and shows me by the sealing of the Holy Spirit that I am His!

Do you see Christ living His life through you? If you are His, He is calling you to intimacy with Him! If you don't see His life being lived through you then ask these questions:

Christ am I yours?

If He says yes, then pursue Him! Don't live because someone said this is how to make God happy. Learn who God is and who you are in light of who God is. These are the two most important studies you will ever do. Your life should be marked by God living in and through you.

If He says no, then I beg you to turn away from your life and put your life in His hands. Place your trust in Him and allow Him to live in you and through you. You were created to have an intimate relationship with God. You were created to be satisfied in Him most! Ask God to forgive you for the life you lived without Him and for living contrary to His Word. Beg Him for His life to be lived in you while you reject the life without Him. Allow Him to lead you and pursue Him through His Word, His Church and prayer.

Those of us that are His, we HAVE BEEN SEALED for God ONCE AND FOR ALL. Now live like it through intimacy with Christ and He will live His life through you.


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