God is rocking it here!

The last week has been incredible. I have seen God open up and invite us into people's lives. I am so excited, I do run around this Star Bucks shouting GLORY (Joe Veal'ish). I have been coaching volleyball here in Kapolei and God gave me an God appointment at the airport with one of the player's parents last week Monday. Then last night, a parent on our flag football team asked me what I did. I got to share our vision for our church and invited him to bible study. At first I thought he blew me off, but at the end of practice he asked when we were starting and told me he is bringing his wife with him. Are you kidding me? God did that and has allows us to invite other people to come over for dinner beginning next week. God has been rocking it! Today I had a two hour conversation with a man I will identify as Mr E ( he seems very influential here and I don't want to shame him). He told me about all the things he has been doing here on the island for the last 30 years. He talked about his family and his life. He told me about tragedy and triumph. He indicated that he believed in a higher power and that he was a Catholic. I got to share with Him Jesus and how Jesus has been pursuing him. I shared how Jesus has flourished and blessed him but that Jesus did all of these things to bring him into an intimate relationship with Jesus. He had so many spiritual beliefs that he could not understand what God was doing in his life. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 came alive in front of me. The enemy has veiled his eyes to the Gospel. Pray for his salvation. I hope to run into him again next week.

God brought me back to why we are here last week. While reading a book suggested by Paul Gotthardt (Lead Pastor at Life Baptist Church Las Vegas), I became disturbed at my lack of results and my struggle with why we were here. Paul was gracious to remind me that we are not here to start a church but that we are here to make disciples and the church will be birthed from making disciples. He reminded me that no where in scripture is it mandated for us to start churches. Matt. 28:18-20 shows this mandate clearly. So, with great relief, I am attempting to make disciples. So far God has given me 2 Chuukese leaders in Waianae to lead weekly and is opening up doors for more disciples here in Kapolei. God is good ya'll.

Michelle and the kids are doing great. Michelle and I had our first date since we moved here. We went to Tony Roma's (Thanks Dave Bickers for showing me this place in Orlando) Saturday night and had ribs. They were incredible. God is giving us favor with my family and we are spending a great amount of time with my sister Sarah (which my kids adore). Pray for her as she graduates from the University of Hawaii next week and then heads to Germany for a year in August. Pray for her life and Christ's life to intersect in a most incredible way.

Also pray for a mother's day thing Michelle and I are doing with the moms connected to the teams I coach. We are hoping they will receive a gift from us that would allow us to deepen our relationship with them and possibly invite them to our bible study starting June 14th.

Finally, God brought a relationship with a gentlemen in the most incredible way. He is the director of the Veteran's Association to Homeless for the State of Hawaii and California. I am hoping that he comes to Christ and that we can serve the Vets through him.


  1. I will pray for Mr. E's salvation, that the mother's day project works and that you get many more opportunities to visit the Vet's! Go make those disciples!

  2. I celebrate what God has done and will do through you, nephew!!! Keep rockin' it with Him!!!

  3. Hello everyone! Hope everybody on the mainland who is supporting and praying for Shawn, Michelle and the family gets to see this. My name is James Shiroma, lead pastor of The Gathering in Mililani. Just want everyone to know that Shawn and Michelle are dong an awesome job here in Hawaii. Shawn is making more progress in church planting, evangelism and discipleship than even he realizes. God is using Shawn and will continue to use Shawn mightily to lead people to the Lord and grow God's Kingdom. Shawn is doing a lot of groundwork to launch the new church. We feel blessed that God called Shawn to be here. Keep praying and let us expect a movement here in Hawaii. Take care and God bless.


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