Merry Christmas and a Hawaiian New Year!
Merry Christmas to everyone! I know this is a little late, but at least I got it in this year. As we approach 2013, I want to ask all of you to join us for 40 days of prayer. We are asking any believer in Christ Jesus to join us in this journey. We will be praying for our church plant and the surrounding areas and would like as many people as possible to take our request to our Great God with us. You will be asked to pray three times a day. The first in your quiet time, the second with another prayer partner during each day (maybe call someone up and pray over the phone) and the third with your family during dinner or before bed. We believe this will not only help us engage and change this community but all of our hearts. We also believe that it will help us all see God in a new and fresh light. Please click on the link to join us, you will receive an email each night for the following day.