Steve Jobs and a quick update

As of this evening, everyone has probably heard that Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc. and an incredible inventor has passed into eternity. Though most of us do not know where Steve Jobs is spending eternity, this is not the reason for this writing. In Steve Jobs I have seen the finger print of Our Creator which is in everyone. I admire Steve Jobs not only for the incredible technology and products that have been a help to have, but for one statement he made several years ago. In addressing Apple Inc., Mr Jobs made it very clear that he did not want his product used for pornography. In response, Apple has limited app creators from making XXX apps and has limited the sale of those type of apps. Though there is some apps that are porn in the Apple line up, it amazes me that a man that did not openly declare Christ as his savior but fights against one of the biggest destroyers of men and families. I have had an admiration for Mr. Jobs since he said what he did. Like many of you, I did not pray for his salvation often and regret that decision tonight. Please join me in lifting his family to Christ this week in hopes of their salvation. I am thankful that God's fingerprint came out of Steve Jobs, because the Lord has used that statement to fight my own addiction to pornography. Thank you Lord for Steve Jobs!

Quick Update - We believe we know where we are going to plant now. Details to come.

Printing will begin next week to send out prayer letters and prayer cards. We are alos beginning our big push for funding. Please pray for the funding to come in and ask the Lord if he is looking to you to help fund this work. We need 1000 prayer partners!



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