
Showing posts from June, 2011

Sorry for not letting you all know

Okay, I said you would know the color, however I am stuck in a place not to lord it over those couples that I have become aquianted with that might not be approved through Launch. So I will just say that the Lord has greatly affirmed through Launch that we are planting a church in Hawaii. If you need to know the color, you can: email me, call me, text me, facebook me, message me on twitter or just send me a note through the mail. Other than that, I am off to teach Galatians 2 to a bunch of hungry students (probably for taco night and the word together). I will try and update this weekend. Shawn

Out of intimacy

One reminder we had last week that I have had a hard time grasping is "I am called to intimacy with Christ, not ministry. Ministry is the overflow of my intimacy with Him". Vance Pitman spoke so clearly on this subject. I often forget this and get ministry ahead of my intimacy. Today was about to be one of those days until God's Spirit intervened. I am thankful for a God who loves me so much that I can call Him Daddy, because He is my Daddy. I think this is an aspect of God we forget to concentrate on, His fatherhood on our lives. We talk about God being Lord, but we forget the intimacy that we have with our Daddy. I hope that does not offend you, calling Him Daddy. My children call me this often and I get to receive this name because our Father wears it well over me. I am honored to be called daddy because of the joy of being their father. I see God's love for me in such intimacy, that He is my Daddy and that He finds joy in being my Daddy (not that I have done anyth...

Quick Update

Here is a quick update. I am sorry I am not able to expound on some of these, but I will when I know more details one certain item. 1. Made over $750 at our yard sale. I have decided to pay a medical bill off with this money. We actually have $1500 of large items left that I believe we will sell quickly over Craigslist. 2. Painting the our bedroom tonight and taking off wall paper in the kitchen this week. Will have an inspection done on the house mid-July to see if it is ready to put on the market. 3. One of the couples praying about going with us has decided that the Lord is not inviting them to Hawaii right now. We still find joy that the Lord has an awesome plan for them and that He is leading team members to come along side His work with us. 4. I start my second term of Summer classes at Liberty today. I have a paper from the last term due at the end of this week which will allow me to be done with the last term a week early. Pray I end well and start well at the same time...

Now we wait (this post is a little long)

Michelle and I have been assessed by the Launch Network. For those of you chiming in, Michelle and I spent a few days in Las Vegas with Hope Baptist Church and the Launch Network. The Launch Network's goal is to start strong churches by raising the leadership levels in the church plant's leadership. We spent 2 days with Mac Lake (the director and owner of a really cool name), Vance Pitman (Lead Pastor at Hope Baptist Vegas) and the assessment team. If you didn't know, I got a little nervous just before we left for Vegas  but the Lord was so good. Before we left, I had prayed that the Lord would not allow me to be impressive on my merits and that He would keep me honest, without making things bigger than they are (a pastor's trait I have accomplished, you know with numbers). As Mac began the assessment, a lump rose up in my throat. He began talking about their color coding (Green = go with their blessing and no reservations / Yellow = go with reservations and a plan to h...

Moving Sale List

Okay, after a couple of days of pulling things out of drawers, closets and storage, we finally have an idea of what we are selling. You can click on the name of this listing (Moving Sale List above) for items we are selling or you can email me for a list with pricing. Unfortunately, we don't have $2000 worth of stuff but have over $1200 in things we are selling. This will go toward debt so we can move as soon as possible. Please pray we sell it all and for the prices we are asking for. We are asking low prices to get it sold. Pastor Shawn Peoples

Step Two is here

Michelle and I leave Sunday night for Las Vegas and the Launch Network assessment. We will be meeting with other Church Planters and coaches that will see if we have what it takes to be a church planter. I have to admit that I am a little nervous about this. We don't know how to prepare and so pray has been our best preparation. We have spent a lot of prayer asking the Lord to keep us humble and not try to impress. I know that whether or not we are approved for training and financial support, God is giving us every indication that Hawaii is where we are going. So, we are trusting God to work through this for us. On another note, Michelle and I have begun going through the house and clearing out items to sell. This will be our biggest yard sale ever! We have added a lawn mower, some tools, and a ton of small items from around the house. Praying for at least $1000, but hoping for $2000. This will allow us to pay for a website and some of our trip to Hawaii in September. June 25th i...

Cool Things happen on this journey

We have had some really cool prayers answered recently. First, it looks like we have a logo and have a friend working on the next phase (printing). Second, someone has offered us a temporary house to live in after we sell our house and before we head to Hawaii. Third, Michelle and I celebrated 14 years of marriage last night. We took a riverboat cruise near Cincinnati. It was a mostly romantic night. I say mostly because there was a school of Junior Highers there that would not stay in one area. They walked all over that boat and made sure they were as loud as possible. I guess I'm not done hanging out with students. It was a great reminder the cool things God has done in my life and what He has taught me. We are still getting ready for the Launch Network assessment in Las Vegas in a couple of weeks. Pray for us as we travel and for Nick and Suzy Killin as they watch most of our kids for those couple of days we are gone. Speaking of Nick and Suzy, they got married this past weeke...