All or nothing!

Today Michelle and I have been invited to the Launch Strong network of church planters assessment retreat. This organization trains and supports church planters. Vance Pitman and his church Hope Baptist in Las Vegas have become the Western US hub for this network. I was praying the past few days that we might be able to join this organization and learn from Vance and his staff. I am deeply honored that the Lord would allow us to go through their assessment process and see if we are doing things correctly. I have to admit that I have no clue what I am doing, but I am having a lot of fun being in this place. God has given me such a great excitement for this work and I know that He knows what He is doing! Please pray that we would be able to pay for the retreat and the plane tickets to get there. We already have a baby sitter(or two) who will stay with our kids while we are gone. We just have to come up with the $199 retreat cost and the plane tickets. If we are accepted into their organization then we will have another $800 to pay for training for our whole team and then support will begin. Some great churches are part of this network and we would glean great information from them. My hope is that they would lead us to become a church planting network in Hawaii. I want to lead and be part of a movement, not just one church. I believe God is honored in this and will bring a great harvest through it.

Just to let you all know, Michelle and I have a motto we are living by now. "All or nothing". We have no backup plan in case everything falls apart. Either we will be a part of something so incredible that words will never give God enough glory or we will fall flat and have to trust God for the way out. We both trust that God will lead us through this and whether it is His will or a mistake, walking by faith is better than doing what we can do in our strength. Pray for us that we will not quit living in total reliance on God! Thanks for your prayers and support. If you want to donate to the work, Urbancrest is setting up an account for you to send your support. We also will be creating an email list soon and prayer cards. I will write on this blog how you can get a hold of both.

Loving what God is doing in my heart right now. I hope I don't fool myself and walk in my flesh! Jesus is worth it!


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