Pain? I love Pain!
No, not really. But as I reflect on the past year and read all of my journals, tweets, Facebook posts and bloggings I realize that I have written a ton through my pain. It has been one great journey of pain, heartache, joy, tears, happiness, peace, comfort and more pain. What started as a small step has become a running to Jesus (most of the time). Today I would like to write to all who will read this out of my current pain, not that I am looking for comfort from my readers but that I would be comforted by what God is doing. Isn't it amazing that we can hurt and God hurts with us. Isn't is also amazing how painful growing is. Think about this, when in my childhood years, my legs use to ache night after night. As I became older, relationships failed and that hurt. As I learned to work, I failed and suffered the anguish of my bosses. When training as an athlete I had bruises, breaks and hurts. As I got married, I had to learn not to be so selfish which turned into me denying my...