One Month Down
So we have been here about a month and a week. As of today I volunteer two days a week at the local rec center and help a new college bible study on Tuesday nights. As Michelle and I get acclimated to our new home area I grow more eager to see this church come to fruition. I feel like I am just starting to feel like I can engage this community. We are seeing how hard relationships are to begin here. People are very private here and are not open to new comers from the outside. In most of the churched I have visited here, this same feeling exists. Many people are not getting outside their immediate relationships when you walk into their churches. This is a horribly sad sin that is very real. Is not the church to be to most open and loving organism in the world? John tells us that Christ said we are known for our LOVE for one another. How loving is it to walk past those we don't know because of fear, busyness, ignorance and hate. Whether that is a deeply hurt sinner or someone that ju...